
Сообщения за август, 2018

Are dophins really cute?

Everybody is sure of kindness, responsiveness, intelligence and savvy of dolphins. All these characteristics are true. Nevertheless, along with the kindness of these mammals, there are some particularities of their behavior which can disappoint their admirers.  There are the evidences that these by nature kind animals can express anger and even cruelty. Their aggression is particularly manifested during mating season. A female’s reluctance or refusal of mating rituals isn’t accepted by males. They usually chase an uncooperative female for several hours until it throws itself on the mercy of their needs.  Lifting the veil of the dark side of dolphins’ life, we should mention cruel mores in packs towards young species. Having got together, older dolphins beat up a young animal in order to provoke a female’s new estrus.  So, at the sight of dolphins’ elegant shiny spines sticking out above the surface of water, you should think where and what for this group of...

Why do we say "Hello", picking up the phone?

Now we perceive a telephone as a perfectly ordinary thing and we can talk on it on any subject, but almost always the first word that we pronounce during a phone conversation is “hello”.  Where did it come from and what does it mean?  Back when telephony started to be introduced into our day-to-day life, everybody who used that novelty had to follow strict procedures. For a long time a phone has remained a working tool for a selected few, as a rule, business and powerful people.  Alexander Bell is considered to be the inventor of a telephone, but the greatest contribution to the improvement of this apparatus and its popularization was made by an American inventor Thomas Edison. It was him who set the word with which a telephone conversation begins in about half of the countries in the world.  In August 2000 Thomas Edison corresponded with the President of one of large telegraphic companies. One of the main themes of their talk was the regulation...

Isn't it true that there are blue traffic lights in Japan?

If we translate the title of a traffic light go signal from Japanese into English, we’ll get a phrase “blue signal”. But you won’t see blue traffic lights anywhere in the streets of Japanese cities. Their colors are absolutely standard, that is, red, yellow and green.  So what is the cause of this mess?  We should look for it in history. On 8 November 1968 most countries of the world accepted Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals which led them to the international standardization of sings and signals.  Nevertheless, Japan decided to take its own path and chose a blue light as a go signal instead of green one. But in five years the authorities of Japan changed its mind and set a green light as a go one. This step was justified by the poor visibility of a blue signal over long distances, because the electromagnetic waves of a blue light dissipate in the atmosphere.  However the Japanese continued to call a green traffic light “ao singu” which ...

Can lightning do without thunder?

Thunderstorm is one of the most beautiful weather events on Earth. Lightning cutting the dark sky both fascinates and scares people. We usually find out about approaching thunderstorm not through lightning, but through its indispensable companion – thunder.  Many wonder if it’s possible that a lightning discharge doesn’t result in the emergence of thunder?  Let’s get this cleared up.  Lightning is a huge electrical charge which can take place both inside a cloud, between nearby clouds and between a cloud and Earth. The charge occurs because of the accumulation of static electricity through the rubbing up against each other of water vapor microparticles or ice crystals.  When positively and negatively charged microparticles located on opposite ends of a cloud get closer together, a discharge happens.  This event seems routine but it’s really unique. The temperature of a lightning channel exceeds even the temperature of the surface of the sun,...

Why don’t birds die, sitting on power lines?

The high-tension wires of an electricity grid aren’t covered with rubber isolation. They are just fixed on power pylons with the help of isolators and therefore come into contact with only the current source and consumer.  Nevertheless, it’s not uncommon to see birds sitting on those wires. It turns out, that in this case the birds touch a frayed cord through which much current flows. So why don’t they suffer from this in doing so?  The fact is that when a bird sits on a wire, the parallel connection of conductors is created. The first conductor is the bird itself, the second conductor is the section of wire under the bird’s feet. The resistance of a bird is many times greater than the resistance of a wire. That’s why very low current flows through the bird and it can’t harm it. (When conductors are parallel-connected, current is shared between the parallel components of a circuit in inverse proportion to resistance).  However birds can still die because of s...

How does steel soap remove unpleasant smell?

Chinese scientists once noticed that the “aggressive” bad odors of skin can be neutralized and totally removed if you rub your skin on stainless steel.  And it’s not a miracle, because aroma oils which are contained in products with strong smell (for example, in garlic) rapidly separate into more simple chemical elements in the presence of catalyst.  To put it simply, the metal greatly accelerates such a decomposition reaction. As a result, the scent of garlic disappears from skin in a matter of minutes.  But to make that happen, you first need to soak your steel soap in warm water, moisten your hands and wash them with steel soap. Then let your hands dry (don’t use a towel!) and wash them again with an ordinary soap.  The Chinese make steel soap of two metals: steel and a small amount of aluminum. The soap is empty inside, that’s why it has a small weight. It also has an unlimited service life and doesn’t rust.  It’s interesting that s...

How to get rich using magic?

Many complain that despite their hard work and diligence it’s really hard for them to get rich. If you are one of them, you should try to use magic in order to remedy the situation and attract good fortune. Maybe, it sounds strange to you, but money should be loved and treated with respect. For example, such a frequently used phrase as “I have no money” is the striking example of disrespect for money. Respect for money can be shown as follows: 1. Banknotes should be always stuck in your wallet from small bills to large bills. 2. Don’t leave your wallet empty. At least one banknote should certainly remain in it. 3. Money should be moving. That’s why don’t store them in a stocking. You’d better deposit them. 4. Buy yourself a talisman – Chinese coins tied up with a red ribbon. Put it in your wallet and it will attract money. 5. Always save up some money, at least a part of your income. 10% will be enough. The main thing is to believe that it all will certainly work out....