Are dophins really cute?

Everybody is sure of kindness, responsiveness, intelligence and savvy of dolphins. All these characteristics are true. Nevertheless, along with the kindness of these mammals, there are some particularities of their behavior which can disappoint their admirers. There are the evidences that these by nature kind animals can express anger and even cruelty. Their aggression is particularly manifested during mating season. A female’s reluctance or refusal of mating rituals isn’t accepted by males. They usually chase an uncooperative female for several hours until it throws itself on the mercy of their needs. Lifting the veil of the dark side of dolphins’ life, we should mention cruel mores in packs towards young species. Having got together, older dolphins beat up a young animal in order to provoke a female’s new estrus. So, at the sight of dolphins’ elegant shiny spines sticking out above the surface of water, you should think where and what for this group of...